How Focusing On Variation Frees Up Your Capacity
November 11, 2014 by Stacey Barr | Leave a CommentWork stress, projects behind schedule, and low productivity are all symptoms of an underlying problem with workload variability. You'll feel it as some months you can't get the important things even started, and other months you're pushing productivity past the redline. The solution lies in measuring the variation in workload, and not just the amount of it.
Are You Indulging in Vanity Measures?
October 28, 2014 by Stacey Barr | Leave a CommentIn NASCAR racing, you might be forgiven for thinking that a speedometer is a very important gauge for the driver. After all, racing is about speed, right? And speed should therefore be measured. But ironically, NASCAR drivers don't use a speedometer at all.
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Meaningful Performance Measures
Has Your Measure Become The Goal?
October 21, 2014 by Stacey Barr | Leave a CommentGuest author Martin Klubeck, author of Metrics: How to Improve Key Business Results, reminds us just how easy it is to fall into the trap of making our measures the end goal, and why we must make sure we stay connected with our intended results.
Filed Under:
Interpreting Performance Results, Using Measures
The Futility of Fixating on Outliers in Performance Measures
October 14, 2014 by Stacey Barr | Leave a CommentOne of my performance measures is Measure Up Unsubscribe Rate, the proportion of readers who unsubscribe from this newsletter. Sometimes it's what I write about that makes them unsubscribe. And that can make the Measure Up Unsubscribe Rate will spike up. Should I worry about this?
Filed Under:
Improving Performance, Interpreting Performance Results, Using Measures