Focus, Feedback, Fulcrum
February 24, 2015 by Stacey Barr | Leave a CommentWhat's the real role of performance measurement? To serve the bureaucratic machine? To keep an eye on employees? To hold executives accountable? Does the role change depending on whose measuring and what they're measuring? I don't believe so. I believe that performance measurement's role is universally comprised of three specific things.
Using 5 ‘D’ Words to Make Time to Measure What Matters
February 17, 2015 by Stacey Barr | Leave a CommentIf you don't have time to measure what matters, poor performance will continue to use up more of your time. Here are 5 strategies to give a higher priority to measurement.
Filed Under:
Getting Buy-in, Getting Started, Performance Culture
How to Get KPI Buy-in, Overnight
February 10, 2015 by Stacey Barr | Leave a CommentWe want people to be engaged - or have buy-in - to performance measures so they will support the implementation of those measures, and use them to improve performance. But dragging them to KPI meetings and presentations, and loading them with lists of measures to review, rarely gets true buy-in. Solution: the Measure Gallery.
Filed Under:
Getting Buy-in, Getting Executive Support, Performance Culture
How to Help People Measure Results, Not Activity
February 3, 2015 by Stacey Barr | Leave a CommentMeasure Up reader, Kenneth, works in a hospital and has this measurement challenge: "Different people want to follow up on different things. The nurses, for example, think it is crucial to follow up on how many phone calls they answer. I reckon it is because they want evidence to show management how they spend their time at work. But I do not think this is a critical KPI or success fac...
Filed Under: Cascading Strategy, Getting Buy-in, Performance Culture