The Price of Knowing is Transparency and Accountability
January 19, 2016 by Stacey Barr | Leave a CommentThe price for informed decision-making is transparency and accountability. And that’s a price that appears too high for many leaders. So they keep their heads in the sand and steer by gut feel. And they pull the wool over everyone else’s eyes with hearsay and anecdote and biased selection of data.
Filed Under:
Evidence-Based Leadership, Performance Culture
How Evidence-based Leaders Hold the Space for High-Performance
January 14, 2016 by Stacey Barr | Leave a CommentTo hold space for high-performance, evidence-based leaders value and use objective evidence to improve organisational performance, as role-models for everyone else.
Filed Under:
Evidence-Based Leadership, Performance Culture
What Comes First: Data or KPIs?
January 7, 2016 by Stacey Barr | Leave a CommentIt's not hard to spend millions on setting up new data management and business intelligence systems. And it can take years to implement, too. Plus there's the tricky piece of getting people to buy in to collection and capturing all that data. But we need to do it, before we can start measuring what matters... Or do we?
Filed Under:
Data Collection and Integrity
What Measurement Means For Me in 2016
December 29, 2015 by Stacey Barr | Leave a CommentIt's the week of Christmas and so I don't want to be too heavy and serious. So if you feel inclined to lightly ponder, let me share with you what measuring performance is going to mean for me in 2016. (more&h...
Filed Under: Performance Leadership, Performance Philosophy