When to Make Your KPI a Count, a Percentage, or an Average
February 16, 2016 by Stacey Barr | Leave a CommentIt's easy to default to the first quantification method that comes to mind when we're designing a measure. But the default isn't always the best choice. Here are some considerations to make a more deliberate decision about whether a measure should be a count, a percentage, or an average.
Filed Under:
Example Measures & KPIs, Meaningful Performance Measures
What’s Your Definition of Accountability for KPIs?
February 9, 2016 by Stacey Barr | Leave a CommentOur definition of accountability for KPIs, or accountability for performance, profoundly affects people's ownership of performance. This new accountability definition creates ownership...
Filed Under:
Improving Performance, Performance Culture, Using Measures
What Is Evidence-Based Leadership?
February 2, 2016 by Stacey Barr | Leave a Comment"Business decisions, as many of our colleagues in business and your own experience can attest, are frequently based on hope or fear, what others seem to be doing, what senior leaders have done and believe has worked in the past, and their dearly held ideologies - in short, on lots of things other than the facts... If doctors practiced medicine the way many companies practice management, there w...
Filed Under: Evidence-Based Leadership, Performance Culture
INTERVIEW: Donald Wheeler, on Interpreting Signals From Our KPIs
January 28, 2016 by Stacey Barr | Leave a CommentMy interview with Donald Wheeler is a very practical exploration of how we can better interpret signals from our performance measures and KPI's. (more&hel...
Filed Under: Analytics and Data Analysis, Interpreting Performance Results