Is Your KPI in Chaos?
March 1, 2016 by Stacey Barr | Leave a CommentMeasures Provide The Leverage For High-ROI Strategy Execution
February 23, 2016 by Stacey Barr | Leave a CommentGreat strategy execution should be about implementing high return-on-investment (ROI) improvement initiatives. But finding that high ROI requires a few mindset shifts about what leverage really means, about the role of data in helping us find leverage, and about where to act to implement leverage.
Filed Under:
Improving Performance, Performance Leadership, Using Measures
When to Make Your KPI a Count, a Percentage, or an Average
February 16, 2016 by Stacey Barr | Leave a CommentIt's easy to default to the first quantification method that comes to mind when we're designing a measure. But the default isn't always the best choice. Here are some considerations to make a more deliberate decision about whether a measure should be a count, a percentage, or an average.
Filed Under:
Example Measures & KPIs, Meaningful Performance Measures
What’s Your Definition of Accountability for KPIs?
February 9, 2016 by Stacey Barr | Leave a CommentOur definition of accountability for KPIs, or accountability for performance, profoundly affects people's ownership of performance. This new accountability definition creates ownership...
Filed Under:
Improving Performance, Performance Culture, Using Measures