How to Write Goals That Are Measurable
May 10, 2016 by Stacey Barr | Leave a CommentFiled Under: Making Strategy Measurable
Filed Under: Making Strategy Measurable
It's so very hard to set a target for our monthly workplace injuries measure of 5. It feels like we're aiming to injure 5 employees! That's not ethical, is it? It only feels right to set the target as 0. But then we feel like we're setting ourselves up to fail. The tension is awkward. What to do?
Filed Under:
Setting Performance Targets, Using Measures
Filed Under: Performance Culture, Performance Leadership
by Louise Watson, PuMP Partner
People often talk about creating SMART measures, but that's not what this tool is for. SMART is for goals. But even then, it's very easy to get it all wrong and end up with DUMB goals anyway. In this article, Louise Watson guides us in how to use SMART properly.
Filed Under:
Making Strategy Measurable, Meaningful Performance Measures
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